Web personalization

Cold start personalization

Why does it matter?

When a user visits your Internet resource for the first time, you don't know anything about it. You don't have the data to do personalization for it. At the same time, good personalization will allow you to reduce Customer Acquisition Cost and increase Conversion Rate to purchase.

How can you solve this problem?

Enrich your databases with external data with a key IP-address. Use it when you get user's IP address. Based on this data, you will be able to personalise your products for users, which will lead to new sales and increasing retention rate.

How could Upgini help you?

Upgini could enrich your DWH with a rich customer profile by IP address. Use this data for Cold start personalisation.

How to solve a Cold start personalization task with Upgini

  1. Obtain a train dataset with customer IP-address and label. Label is a product id that was clicked by user.

  2. Search for new relevant features for your task: launch FIT method of Upgini and get a list of relevant features from connected data sources.

  3. Make a test enrichment: launch TRANSFORM method of Upgini and enrich your dataset with only new relevant features. This dataset could consists any phone number or any IP-address.

  4. Use Upgini in production: Upgini pushes relevant features for the all IP-addresses to your DWH. You may use this data directly in your DWH.

Decrease CAC
Increase CR
Proven commercial effect

Try Upgini for cold start personalisation

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Personalize content

Why does it matter?

Personalization can significantly impact conversion rates. By tailoring product recommendations, offers, and messaging based on clients' behavioral profile, you can increase the probability of users making a purchase or taking a desired action.

You probably already have a personalization system. To increase the conversion rate from visiting your site to making a purchase, you may to improve the quality of your personalization system and add new relevant data

How can you solve this problem?

Enrich your DWH with new relevant external data that could improve a quality of your recommendation system.

How could Upgini help you?

Upgini could enrich your DWH with a rich customer profile using IP address, email, or phone number. Use this data to personalize content on your site.

Increase sale
Increase CR
Proven commercial effect

Personalize payment options

Why does it matter?

Improving your payment options can increase your sales and customer satisfaction. Do not show your clients payment options like BNPL or POS-credit if their bank declines them.

How can you solve this problem?

Use an approval prediction machine learning application to score your customers before checkout.

Why Upgini could help you?

Search for new relevant features that could help you predict the approval:

  1. Obtain a training dataset with customer ID and label. Upgini supports the following customer IDs: phone number, IP address, and email. The label should indicate customer approval status.
  2. Search for new relevant features for your training dataset: launch the FIT method of Upgini and receive a list of relevant features from connected data sources.
  3. Make a test enrichment: launch the TRANSFORM method of Upgini and enrich your dataset with only the new relevant features.
  4. Use Upgini in production: Upgini transfers relevant features for all phone numbers, emails, and IP addresses to your DWH. You can use this data directly in your DWH.
Increase sales
Improve UX
Free to test

Find the nearest store for a customer by IP

Why does it matter?

You can't determine a location for a customer who enters your site for the first time. Therefore, you can't personalize your site automatically, and the user could see items that are not available to them.

How can you solve this problem?

Get the postal code of the user by IP from Upgini. Or enrich your systems with a huge GEO-IP vector and try to determine a user's location by yourself.

How could Upgini help you?

  1. Upgini provides out-of-the-box postal code determination by IP-address.

  2. Upgini provides a huge GEO-IP vector for your DWH.

Increase sale
Increase CR
Proven commercial effect

Personalize payment options

Why does it matter?

Don't show your client a payment option like BNPL or POS-credit if the bank declines them. It will increase your sales and customer satisfaction.

How can you solve this problem?

Use a machine learning model to predict approval by the bank or BNPL service before checkout.

How may I test Upgini for this case?

Search for new relevant features that could help you predict the approval:

  1. Obtain a training dataset with customer ID and label. Upgini supports the following customer IDs: phone number, IP address, and email. The label should indicate customer approval status.
  2. Search for new relevant features for your training dataset: launch the FIT method of Upgini and receive a list of relevant features from connected data sources.
  3. Make a test enrichment: launch the TRANSFORM method of Upgini and enrich your dataset with only the new relevant features.
  4. Use Upgini in production: Upgini transfers relevant features for all phone numbers, emails, and IP addresses to your DWH. You can use this data directly in your DWH.
Increase sales
Improve UX
Free to test

Contact Upgini

Feel free to get in touch with us.
We are ready to help you with these cases.